Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A Lovely Weekend in Paris

I had a lovely weekend last weekend, with Maudie and Rachel. We strolled through Paris and ate lots of delicious goodies, and explored new areas (at least new to me) of the 5e arrondissement. 

Tarte Citron (and the best one in Paris I may add)

My time in Paris is winding down, only two and a half short weeks left. I can hardly believe the time has passed by so quickly, there is still so much I want to do. I fall more in love with the city everyday (I am layering on the cheese, I know). 

I am off to London tomorrow for the weekend, I will share my adventures next week! 

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Lauren,

    It looks like you are having a wonderful time in Paris. We are really enjoying your photos, but we can't wait for you to come home! xo, Curtis & Tillie
