Saturday, May 28, 2011

T minus 100


Today officially begins the 100 day countdown until I go to Paris! 
I am so excited and am beginning to get a bit anxious (you would think 8 years of french would provide some kind of confidence, but no). 
Paris is my dream, I have wanted to go there since I began taking french classes in middle school.  I have mini Eiffel Towers (even one in a snow globe, thanks nana), postcards of L'Arc De Triomphe, and the Moulin Rouge. And this fall I finally get to go, Hallelujah. 
I still have to pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming, but it is really going to happen, I am going to freaking Paris! 

I am just going to summarize here the things I know so far...
1. don't smile at strangers, its hypocritical.
2. flirt with your eyes (i tried to do my best flirty eyes in one of those photo booth things and i ended up looking like an angry bull, so I will try to improve on that in the next 100 days) 
3. always say bonjour madame and monsieur when entering a store and au revoir when leaving
4. excusez-moi de vous déranger is the magic word when approaching people for help, and dégage! is the magic word when people (creepers) approach you...
5. and finally Paris is not said Paris it's said Paris. 

well, until Paris, au revoir!